VD: Please, tell us once more, how the band emerged. What happened to first release of mini-album? And to second? When is the first full-length album?
eintrostlosespferd: The Band was founded in 2019 to bring together the creative personalities of the three of us. The music is the result of mutual interpretations and the different musical backgrounds of the members, it is written out of intuition and we still do not try to serve a specific genre. The previous EPs and now the debut album have all been released in an annual rhythm since 2019. So far all recordings have appeared on Death Defier Productions. The recordings for the debut took place in the first half of 2021 and new music is planned for 2022.
VD: We see changes in sound. Is this related to time? Or to participation of band members? What shall listeners expect in the future?
eintrostlosespferd: The change is both time and participation related. Unfortunately, due to changes in personal life, Soror Bettrus was only able to contribute to this release to a very limited extent. This is the sole reason I did most of the vocals, which changed the mood of the music to some extend I think. Apart from that, nothing has changed in the creation process of the music, the music has developed naturally to what it is on the album. This will remain the band's concept in the future, so uncertain further changes are to be expected.
VD: Please, tell us about your occult practice. Is this collective work? Or there is only one person involved?
eintrostlosespferd: For me there is only one person involved, myself. Nowadays, my occult practice mainly means the ritualization of creative processes and meditations.
VD: Are you connected to certain Current? Where are the roots of your practice?
eintrostlosespferd: I consciously do not follow any particular current and never have one, because I do not know any current that completely agrees with. I acquire what suits my needs best in the moment. I wouldn't describe myself as being particularly well-read in the field, but I've made the experience that the larger part of the so-called occult teachings are based upon a desperately disappointed and obscured christian belief or upon hippie-like morale and have nothing to offer other than a tedious and pretentious read.
VD: How do all band members share such worldview? From one recording to another we see transfer of roles of band members. Is this connected to ideology of the band?
eintrostlosespferd: I can only speak for myself regarding my worldview. As for the other members, I can say that our views are independent of each other and other people, because we do not follow any collective doctrine. The change of roles within the band has only pragmatic reasons, although I would say that pragmatism plays a major role in the band's ideology.
VD: In a certain sense we all bring our life for sacrifice. What Ætherleib is going to tell us in this sense? Give the floor to every band member: are you ready for death right now and what do you do to finish your life like a warrior? Or it doesn’t matter for you?
eintrostlosespferd: I agree that life, among other things, means sacrificing yourself. I think since it is not possible to fathom death during our lifetime, the thought of our own death becomes merely a substitute for completely different feelings. Some fear death as a loss of the ego, others see it as an opportunity to escape from their ego. Depending on where you currently stand in life, you will always see death differently. I think there is no possible consensus on what death really means and therefore not even death is real.
VD: In your art we clearly feel the influence of Aleister Crowley. Give us a brief description of him. Does this influence you right now or is this an echo of the past?
eintrostlosespferd: I first came into contact with his work by doing cartomancy using the Thoth tarot deck, what brought me to read the "Book of Lies". To me, his texts have an immediate magic effect, in a similar way to reading poetry. In his work it is still most clearly tangible what magic means, I think. I still feel influenced and inspired in spirit.
VD: In the past interview you said that you are not ready to give live performances and you are for individuality. Would you be performing for money, if you had this opportunity? Some festivals pay good money for that.
eintrostlosespferd: This position has not changed. For me, the real attraction of art, as a creator and as a consumer, lies in the expression, experience and reflection of innermost feelings. To me, this is not a show, not something to perform in front of a crowd. I don't do it so that someone pats me on the shoulder or applauds me at a concert. To compromise my own views in such a way as to do a show anyway would render the expression of the music worthless for me. In this world of shit, everything and everyone gets a price tag put on in some way, because things are valued by being weighed against each other. In my opinion, one can only find true value in oneself. So no, I wouldn't give up on something that I truly believe in for money.
VD: Tell us about your first full-length album. What is it’s concept?
eintrostlosespferd: The title of the album is primarily an allusion to celibacy and chastity in religion, but on a deeper level it is about interpersonal relationships and their harmfull effects on the individual. Be it the relationship between god and believer, between mother and daughter, between lovers or between the ego and the id. In that sense, the album is about what satanism means in practical and philosophycal terms in real live, in real experiences. It is a look at those who are heirs to a cruel world of selflessness and self-denial, and so it is inevitably also a look in the mirror. It is also a look at those who are not hesitant to discriminate against religion, even though they lead a dogmatic lifestyle themselves, are the same sheep and call this idealism and elite.
VD: What does it mean - "Doctrines like Flowers”? Is it some reference? To what?
eintrostlosespferd: In this track, the doctrines grow like flowers, slowly engulfing, overgrowing. This is a reference to how religion, consensus and morality in general win people over. The seeds are everywhere, waiting to meet fertile soil in someone desperate and unconscious of oneself. I am sure it can happen to anyone in some ways. It is uncomfortable to prune these flowers regularly, because that means to see your own weaknesses mirrored in them. Some can so little deal with themselves and their fears, that they want to hand over their responsibility for their whole life to these flowers, begging, praying, ingratiating or consuming, whatever it may take. But every god, man or moral will perish when their stem is cut, when attacked on their original base, because there is no absolution or absolute truth in this world and in its inhabitants.
VD: Do you still have the concept: first composed song = first one in the track list? Or we have certain concept for the track list?
eintrostlosespferd: With this album, the habit was changed for the first time, which perhaps had to do with the fact that the recordings were not as smooth this time as the previous times. The last track on the album was written first and I found that the character of the track is more of a concluding nature, so this time the tracklist is arranged as we think it best supports the mood of the album best.
VD: Tell us about the choice of artist for cover page. He draws already not for the first of your releases. Why do you like him?
eintrostlosespferd: I consider myself lucky that, as with the previous EP, the artwork was again done by Ov Exvn Infërnvz, whom I particularly appreciate for his extraordinary style. His work is rooted in classic motifs with a striking obscene and raw component, in my perception. When I discovered him by chance, I immediately felt a connection in his expression with the music of Aether Leib. I contacted him with a loose concept for a picture and it turned out that he is also a very empathic artist who has managed to understand the ideas and transcend them to art that not only fits the concept but expands it with his own vision. I am more than thrilled that he participated again.
VD: Thank you for your answers. Tell us here something that you would like to tell the whole world.
eintrostlosespferd: Thank you for your interested and interesting questions, which I appreciated very much and where a pleasure for me to answer.
eintrostlosespferd: For me there is only one person involved, myself. Nowadays, my occult practice mainly means the ritualization of creative processes and meditations.
VD: Are you connected to certain Current? Where are the roots of your practice?
eintrostlosespferd: I consciously do not follow any particular current and never have one, because I do not know any current that completely agrees with. I acquire what suits my needs best in the moment. I wouldn't describe myself as being particularly well-read in the field, but I've made the experience that the larger part of the so-called occult teachings are based upon a desperately disappointed and obscured christian belief or upon hippie-like morale and have nothing to offer other than a tedious and pretentious read.
VD: How do all band members share such worldview? From one recording to another we see transfer of roles of band members. Is this connected to ideology of the band?
eintrostlosespferd: I can only speak for myself regarding my worldview. As for the other members, I can say that our views are independent of each other and other people, because we do not follow any collective doctrine. The change of roles within the band has only pragmatic reasons, although I would say that pragmatism plays a major role in the band's ideology.
VD: In a certain sense we all bring our life for sacrifice. What Ætherleib is going to tell us in this sense? Give the floor to every band member: are you ready for death right now and what do you do to finish your life like a warrior? Or it doesn’t matter for you?
eintrostlosespferd: I agree that life, among other things, means sacrificing yourself. I think since it is not possible to fathom death during our lifetime, the thought of our own death becomes merely a substitute for completely different feelings. Some fear death as a loss of the ego, others see it as an opportunity to escape from their ego. Depending on where you currently stand in life, you will always see death differently. I think there is no possible consensus on what death really means and therefore not even death is real.
VD: In your art we clearly feel the influence of Aleister Crowley. Give us a brief description of him. Does this influence you right now or is this an echo of the past?
eintrostlosespferd: I first came into contact with his work by doing cartomancy using the Thoth tarot deck, what brought me to read the "Book of Lies". To me, his texts have an immediate magic effect, in a similar way to reading poetry. In his work it is still most clearly tangible what magic means, I think. I still feel influenced and inspired in spirit.
VD: In the past interview you said that you are not ready to give live performances and you are for individuality. Would you be performing for money, if you had this opportunity? Some festivals pay good money for that.
eintrostlosespferd: This position has not changed. For me, the real attraction of art, as a creator and as a consumer, lies in the expression, experience and reflection of innermost feelings. To me, this is not a show, not something to perform in front of a crowd. I don't do it so that someone pats me on the shoulder or applauds me at a concert. To compromise my own views in such a way as to do a show anyway would render the expression of the music worthless for me. In this world of shit, everything and everyone gets a price tag put on in some way, because things are valued by being weighed against each other. In my opinion, one can only find true value in oneself. So no, I wouldn't give up on something that I truly believe in for money.
VD: Tell us about your first full-length album. What is it’s concept?
eintrostlosespferd: The title of the album is primarily an allusion to celibacy and chastity in religion, but on a deeper level it is about interpersonal relationships and their harmfull effects on the individual. Be it the relationship between god and believer, between mother and daughter, between lovers or between the ego and the id. In that sense, the album is about what satanism means in practical and philosophycal terms in real live, in real experiences. It is a look at those who are heirs to a cruel world of selflessness and self-denial, and so it is inevitably also a look in the mirror. It is also a look at those who are not hesitant to discriminate against religion, even though they lead a dogmatic lifestyle themselves, are the same sheep and call this idealism and elite.
VD: What does it mean - "Doctrines like Flowers”? Is it some reference? To what?
eintrostlosespferd: In this track, the doctrines grow like flowers, slowly engulfing, overgrowing. This is a reference to how religion, consensus and morality in general win people over. The seeds are everywhere, waiting to meet fertile soil in someone desperate and unconscious of oneself. I am sure it can happen to anyone in some ways. It is uncomfortable to prune these flowers regularly, because that means to see your own weaknesses mirrored in them. Some can so little deal with themselves and their fears, that they want to hand over their responsibility for their whole life to these flowers, begging, praying, ingratiating or consuming, whatever it may take. But every god, man or moral will perish when their stem is cut, when attacked on their original base, because there is no absolution or absolute truth in this world and in its inhabitants.
VD: Do you still have the concept: first composed song = first one in the track list? Or we have certain concept for the track list?
eintrostlosespferd: With this album, the habit was changed for the first time, which perhaps had to do with the fact that the recordings were not as smooth this time as the previous times. The last track on the album was written first and I found that the character of the track is more of a concluding nature, so this time the tracklist is arranged as we think it best supports the mood of the album best.
VD: Tell us about the choice of artist for cover page. He draws already not for the first of your releases. Why do you like him?
eintrostlosespferd: I consider myself lucky that, as with the previous EP, the artwork was again done by Ov Exvn Infërnvz, whom I particularly appreciate for his extraordinary style. His work is rooted in classic motifs with a striking obscene and raw component, in my perception. When I discovered him by chance, I immediately felt a connection in his expression with the music of Aether Leib. I contacted him with a loose concept for a picture and it turned out that he is also a very empathic artist who has managed to understand the ideas and transcend them to art that not only fits the concept but expands it with his own vision. I am more than thrilled that he participated again.
VD: Thank you for your answers. Tell us here something that you would like to tell the whole world.
eintrostlosespferd: Thank you for your interested and interesting questions, which I appreciated very much and where a pleasure for me to answer.
November 2021